
conditional sale 搭賣(法)。


Development of the urban infrastructure and conditional sales of metropolitan owned land in the akihabara area effectively used private sector vitality to usher in its transformation into a hub for industrial support 開發秋葉原地區的城市基礎性設施和有條件地銷售都有地,通過有效地調動民間的積極性,把這一地區轉變成一個產業后援的中心。

Article 134 conditional sale the parties may prescribe in the sales contract that title to the subject matter remain in the seller until the buyer has paid the price or has performed other obligations 第一百三十四條當事人可以在買賣合同中約定買受人未履行支付價款或者其他義務的,標的物的所有權屬于出賣人。

The later is composed of conditional sale , hire - purchase , mutual - deal and installment purchase 后者由附條件買賣,租賃? ?購買、互易和分期付款買賣。

Conditional sale contract 有條件銷售合同

Conditional sale agreement 有條件售賣協議

Conditional sales agreement 附條件銷售協議